Sunday, July 11, 2010


It was in 1975 when Sant Baba Harnam Singh ji was in simran along with other sangat. In due course Baba ji came to experience the vision of a futuristic time, horrifying and full of terror.

Sant ji said :-

1. A time is approaching, when a person goes out of home, nobody in his family would be ensured that he will return safely or not.

2. If someone snatches or loots your anything , there would be no hearing anywhere.

3. Such dreadful time would appear, that no one would be certain that he could eat his full meal or not.

4. HE had the spiritual vision with the grace of Guru Sahib, that atrocious time would approach this earth. He said he saw the whole earth dyed red with blood.
Everything or every live would be destroyed, there would be no government no administration on this earth. Only those who are tuned with the "WORD OF GOD" SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB Would be saved by the invisible forces on this earth with the Grace of Guru Sahib.

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