Sunday, July 11, 2010



"BHAVEKHATH" means "future foretelling". There are numerous places in this famous Hindu epic where the advent of Guru NANAK is directly alluded to. These instances are listed hereunder -


"Theraa bhaareng thereshtwah keli krethem maha krethyaa. Aeveng vaee
tharam parchaariang bhavekhthee thaa kalau. Thatha vei
loka rakheiaartheng maleishana naas heithwei paschmeitlheng subh
theisay vath wensei chei Nanaka naam nach rekhiang brahem
geaanaik manas bhavekhet kaloe skunth thatar verth kaleaah har (35)."


"In the Kali Yuga when goodness in the world is deteriorating there
will appear a Prophet from the Beithi clan named NANAK
who from birth will be endowed with extra-ordinary spiritual power.
He will preach on the nobility of life and the eradication of
the sinful ways"

In another portion of this book the following short cogent quotation supplies further pertinent information on the advent of Nanak

"Guru thaa Brahma, Guru raa Vishnu, Guru raa dev maheshra saakhyaar
Parbrehem Thasmei NANAK nameh"


This very Creator will manifest itself as a human,
in the form of one whose name will be "NANAK "
Note the clarity and explicitness in which the coming of Nanak is predicted.

Further down in this book is recorded the following detailed assertiveness about Nanak and the type of mission and work he shall perform. It appears to emanate from the Godhead itself.

"The Kali Yuga shall dawn on Earth with radical manifestation of destruction of Karma and Dharma to such an extent that every situation shall be colored by sinful activities. At that distressful moment, the Creator shall send down a spiritual luminary in the form of NANAK from the Khatria clan. He will spread the message of NAAM, the Holy life Force, by introducing the primacy of meditation and thus washing clean the sinful ways by the waters of love."

Note the beautiful and comprehensive description of the happening.

(iv) There is yet another quotation from this same Bhavekhath Purana indicative of Nanak and the 9 prophets that consecutively followed his lineage : -

"When in the world there is the deterioration of noble Dharma, then Vishnu will reincarnate through 10 Prophethoods and will preach on the universal and omnipotent value of NAAM. (the Holy Life Force)"


"During the reign of the 8 Muslim rulers, LORD will incarnate in 10 human forms and after them will appear a (Mona) SILENT Guru (meaning the SGGS, the Sikh Scripture) who will only respond where the response is solicited."

The word SILENT is of great importance - it refers to the Sikh Scriptural Book (SGGS). This is the first time in the history of Religion that a Sacred Book was elevated to the status of a Prophet. Unlike a Prophet in body form with the inherent capacity to make utterances, a Book has to be categorized as being basically 'Silent'. This is indeed a startling revelation, pinpointing the coming into the world of a (mona) Silent Guru, thousands of years before the actual occurrence.

The eight Muslim Rulers were 1. - Sultan Lodhi, 2. - Babar, 3. - Humanyuh, 4. - Akbar, 5 - Jehangir, 6 - Shah Jahan, 7 - Aurangzeb, 8 - Bahadur Shah, These precisely were the Rulers in India during the period in which the 10th Sikh Guru came into being. This further emphasizes the authenticity of the revelation and the happening.

5. Through PATANJALI the great Indian (Hindu) Sage

Patanjali, one of the top Indian Yogis of old, came 2180 years before Guru Nanak. In his Ashram while lecturing on the Prophets of the Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, he singled out Guru Nanak as the one who will be outstanding. When asked what will be his prime mantra, He replied. -

"Wahyanti karyanti jathputi athak etwaha brahamadeya, teisah Gur et WAHEGURU"


"He will use a unique single syllable mantra which has not been ever utilized before at any Age or Era. This will be WAHEGURU."

Waheguru mantra, which means "Lord of Wonderment" has since been popularised by Guru Nanak and all the nine other Sikh Gurus that followed him.

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