Prophecies by Nostradamus of "KHALSA RULE"
Century X/ Quatrain 75
Tant attendu ne reuiendra iamais
Dedans l’Europe, en Afie apparoiftra
Vn de la ligue yffu du grand Hermes,
Et fur tous roys des orientz croiftra
So long awaited shall never come into Europe, in Asia he will appear. One issued of the line of great Hermes, he will grow above all the powers in the orient.
In Christianity, it is strongly believed that “Jesus Christ” will again reappear on the earth to destroy the evil and Satan. But Nostradamus clearly writes that so long expected will never return into Europe, but in Asia shall appear and he would be the most powerful of the East. A coinciding quatrain with prophecies Of “Dasam Granth” of the where the author says that the incarnation of the God would take place at “Sambhal” in U.P. State of India.
Tant attendu ne reuiendra iamais
Dedans l’Europe, en Afie apparoiftra
Vn de la ligue yffu du grand Hermes,
Et fur tous roys des orientz croiftra
So long awaited shall never come into Europe, in Asia he will appear. One issued of the line of great Hermes, he will grow above all the powers in the orient.
In Christianity, it is strongly believed that “Jesus Christ” will again reappear on the earth to destroy the evil and Satan. But Nostradamus clearly writes that so long expected will never return into Europe, but in Asia shall appear and he would be the most powerful of the East. A coinciding quatrain with prophecies Of “Dasam Granth” of the where the author says that the incarnation of the God would take place at “Sambhal” in U.P. State of India.
Century V/ Quatrain 53
La loy du Sol, & Venus contendens,
Appropriant l’efprit de prophetie:
Ne l’vn ne l’autre ne feront entendus,
Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Meffie.
The law of Sun and Venus contending appropriating the spirit of prophecy. Neither one nor the other shall be heard by the sol law of great Messiah shall subsist.
Continuing to the above quatrain, the author of the Part-I write “Kalki Singh” would be an incarnation of God. In other words, a Messiah as predicted by Nostradamus in this quatrain. Nostradamus further writes that no one will have faith on him of being a prophet or Messiah; (It sounds well if we see the history of true prophets like “Jesus Christ”, “Hazrat Mohammed” and others. They all suffered from the torments given by the people of their time). His law or the religion will retained and prevailed to the whole world. Again conceding with another Topic posted here, where the author writes of great religious revival and transformation of the world of Khalsa or Sikh religion.
The same is described in Bible as:-
The Coming AntiChrist: Jesus of Nazareth?
A Tragic Case of Mistaken Identity?
A Tragic Case of Mistaken Identity?
Why do the nations rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against his Christ... He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh,.. Yet I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. (Psalm 2:1,2,4,6)
A most interesting aspect of this prophetic Psalm is that the opening inquiry of the writer is left unanswered. His searching question concerns the reason why the peoples of the earth are hostile to Christ when he returns to subject the earth to his benevolent rule. The word used in the query, "vain", means "having no real substance". The distinct implication of the question is that the world has imagined something that is not true, that its leaders are deceived in some way. In this work a possible reason for the opposition to Christ, which it is believed is related to the "vain" idea those opposing him will hold, is advanced. It is the sincere desire on the part of those producing blog to inform the public as to the nature of the expectations of many modern days people, and the possible consequences that these views may ultimately have when Jesus returns to this earth. Could it be, is there even a remote possibility, that Christ himself could be mistakenly identified as the Antichrist? Could the most serious blunder of history be the opposing of the real Christ as the fabricated Antichrist?
Century IV/ Quatrain 51
Vn Duc cupide fon enemy enfuyure,
Dans entrera empefchant la phalange:
Haftez a pied fi pres viendront pourfuyure
Que la iournee conflate pres de Gange.
A duke will enter, eager to follow his enemy, shall come in, hindering the flange. Hurrying on foot shall follow than closely that the day of battle is near Ganges.
Again, if the quatrain is seen under light of Topic "Prophecies in "Dasam Granth", the interpretation simplifies. The river ‘Ganges’ is in India and it lies in the state Uttar Pradesh too. Perhaps the war between forces of “Kalki Singh” and Indian troops after the beginning for World War-III as the author (Dasam Granth) described. Elsewhere too, Nostradamus gives a hint.
Century III/ Quatrain 94
De cing cens ans plus compte l’on tiendra,
Celuy qu’eftoit l’aornement de fon temps:
Puis a vn coup grande claret donra,
Que par ce fiecle les rendra trefcontens.
For more than five hundred years, no account shall be made of him who was the ornament of his time. Than of sudden he shall give so great a light, that for that age he shall make them to be most contended.
Again, this quatrain gives a perfect meaning when implied to the Founder of Sikhism (Guru Nanak Dev Ji) who was born on 1469 A.D. nearly 537 years back from today. Today nobody in the world has knowledge or acquaintance of Sikhism (or the name of “Guru Nanak Sahib”). Nostradamus predicts that name of “Guru Nanak”, who was the ornament of his time, would give such a great light to the world (through his teachings, “Guru Granth Sahib”) all of sudden that the people of this present century (After and during World War-III) would be greatly pleased.
Century III/ Quatrain 2
Le diuin verbe donrra a la fubftance,
Caprins ciel terra, or occult au laict myftique:
Corps, ame, efprit ayant toute puiffance,
Tant foubz fes pieds comme au fiege Celique.
The divine word will give to the substance, Heaven and earth and gold hid in the mystic act. Body, soul and spirit are all powerful, as well under his feet, as in the Heavenly Seat.
A self explanatory quatrain relates to the great messiah “Kalki Singh” . He will have all the powers, “visible” and “invisible”, beneath under his feet, when he comes to the earth, as he had in his Heavenly Seat.
Century I/ Quatrain 50
De l’aquatique triplicate naiftra,
D’vn qui fera le ieudy pour fa fefte:
Son bruit, loz, regne, fa puiffance croiftra,
Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempefte.
From the aquatic triplicity shall be born a man who celebrates Thursday his holiday. His fame, praise, rule and power shall grow by land and sea to become tempest to the east.
Again, a quatrain about messiah, the great “Kalki Singh” from the religion from the Sikhism, who would make Thursday his holiday, just for a simple fact that the founder of this religion “Guru Nanak” was born on the day of Thursday (Full moonlight in November 1469 A.D.). He fame and praise would spread by land and sea and he would trouble the Indian troops (and others) and become the tempest of east. This particular part is repeated elsewhere also by Nostradamus.
Century I/ Quatrain 76
D’vn nom farouche tel profere fera,
Que les trios feurs auront fato le nom:
Puis grnd people par langue & faict dira,
Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.
By a wild name one shall be called, so that the three sisters from destiny. He will speak to a great people in word and deeds and shall have fame and renown more than any other.
Certainly this quatrain refers to the great messiah “Kalki Singh” as his name “Kalki” is derived from the word “Kilak”, which means born with a big sound of bang as “Bhai Gurdas” elsewhere writes it . He shall come from east, his fame and praise would rise, he would be renowned by his great preaching of the teachings of Sikh religion to the entire world and shall bring the religious revival.
Century I/ Quatrain 91
Les dieux feront aux humains apparence,
Ce qu’ilz feront auteurs de grand conflict:
Auant ciel veu ferein efpee & lance,
Que vers main gauche fera plus grand afflict.
The gods shall make it appear to the mankind that they are the authors of a great war. Before the sky was seen to be free of weapons and rockets, on the left hand the affliction shall be greater.
The gods will make it seem to the mankind that they are the authors of the Great War. In my opinion the European and Americans (as the left side of map is America) will lose the war in spite of such modern mechanization of their armies, of which they are proud of. Americans would be afflicted more than any other in the war against the Easterners.
Century VI/ Quatrain 27
Dedans les ifles de cinq fleuues a vn,
Par le croiffant du grand Chyren Selin:
Par les bruynes de laer fureur de l’vn,
Six efchapes, caches fardeaux de lyn.
Within the islands of five rivers to one, by the crescent of great Chyren Selin. Through the mists in the air, the fury of one, six shall escape hidden within the bundles of flax.
The land referred here is Punjab (India). The five rivers flowing are Ravi, Beas, Satluj, Jhelum and Chenab. “Punjab” literary means the land of five waters (rivers). The great Emperor Chyven Selin is “Kalki Singh”. A war indulging Kalki Singh is described here although the last two lines are not clear.
Century VIII/ Quatrain 62
Lors qu’on verra expiler le faint temple,
Plus grand du rofne leurs facrez prophaner
Par eux naiftra peftilence fi ample,
Roy fuit iniufte ne fera condemner
When one sees the holy temple plundered, the greatest of the Rhone profaning their sacred things. Because of them a very great pestilence will appear. The king being unjust will not condemn them.
I am 100% sure that here Nostradamus predicts the attach on Golden Temple (one of the most sacred temples of Sikh ( rather whole Human community) in Punjab state of India) by the Indian Army in which number of sacred things were put to fire (named as Blue Star Operation by Indian Government), after which the former prime minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own Sikh guards. Followed by the riots in India at different states against the Sikh community, in which thousand of innocent Sikhs lost their lives and property. The government of that time (prime minister being the son of the assassinated Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi) did not condemn it till today being unjust to them. It happened in June 1984, and riots in November, 1984.
Century IX/ Quatrain 72
Encore feront les faincts temples pollus,
Et expillez par Senat Tholoffain,
Saturne deux trios cicles reuollus,
Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.
Once more the Holy temples will be polluted and plundered by Senate of Toulouse. Saturn having completed two or three cycles in April and May, there will be people of new leaven.
If we link this quatrain with "Dasam Granth" that “Kalki Singh” will come to Golden Temple, possibly the Sikh temples will again be plundered and polluted by Indian troops. Interestingly, the Sikh literature confirms that there would be two attacks on Golden Temple before/during the World War-III, one which passed in 1984 and other one yet to come.
Century II/ Quatrain 89
Vn iour feront demis les deux grands maiftres,
Leur grand pouuoir fe verra augmente:
La terra neufue fera en fes hauts eftres,
Au fanguinaire le nombre racompte.
One day the two grand masters will be friends; their great powers will be increased. The new land will be at the highest of its powers. The number shall be told to the bloody person.
This particular quatrain seems to state the present times, when America (new land) shall be in flourishing condition it allies with USSR. Some sort of “War-secret” is leaked away to bloody person (China?) Possibly before or during the World War-III.
Century II/ Quatrain 79
La barbe crefpe & noire par engine,
Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:
Le grand CHIREN oftera du longin
Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.
The man with curly black beard through his skill shall overcome the fierce and cruel nation. The great Henry shall free from bonds. Everyone captured under Turkish banner.
The great Henry (CHIREN) is related to “Kalki Singh”; he will destroy India through his skill, with the help of Islamic forces (under Turkish banner).
Century III/ Quatrain 60
Par toute Afie grande profcription,
Mefme en Myfie, Lyfie, & Pamphylie:
Sang verfera par abfolution,
D’vn ieune noir remply de felonnie
Thought Asia there will be great proscription, also in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphalia. Blood will flow because of dark young man, full of treason.
Nostradamus predicts the growing might of China, through was and conquest. There shall be a dark young man, causing trouble to expansionists. Again, in my opinion, he shall be Sikh leader i.e. “Kalki Singh”, because the Chinese are not dark. Nostradamus predicts it in his other quatrains also. (Possibly the war between Sikhs and Chinese about at the end of World War-III).
Century IX/ Quatrain 73
Dajs Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,
Et regnera moins reuolu Saturne,
Roy Turban blanc Bizance Coeur ban,
Sol, Mars, Mercure pres la hurne.
In the Foix shall enter a kind with the Blue Turban, he shall reign before Satwin is revolved. The king with the white turban, his heart banished to Byzantium, sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius.
Again here the Turbans are the clue. The man with blue turban is “Kalki Singh” who will rule less than a cycle of Saturn i.e. less than 29.5 years. He clearly describes that the Sikh forces will be in Blue Vesture, the Sikhs do wear blue turbans. The blue color symbolizes being of “Living Martyrs”.
The next conjunction of Sun, Mars and Mercury as stated in the quatrain is very-very near,(?) no doubt the World War-III or the millennium may begin at this conjunction or before the conjunction.
Century I/ Quatrain 74
Après feiourne vogueront en Epire,
Le grand fecours viendra vers Antioche:
Le noir poil crefpe tendra fort a l’Empire,
Barbe d’aerain fe rouftira en broche.
After a rest they will travel to Epirus. The great aids coming from around Antioch. The dark, curly headed one will strive greatly for the Empire. The bronze beard will be roasted on a spit.
The Eastern forces will strive greatly for the empire. The dark and curly headed man is be Kalki Singh or some of his Generals. It may be mentioned that to keep the hair of the body in a natural way is one of the most important aspects in Sikh religion, so that long hairs of the head are knotted on the top of their heads.
Century VIII/ Quatrain 99
Par la puiffance des trios rois temporelz,
En autre lieu fera mis le faint fiege:
Ou la fubftance de l’efprit corporel,
Sera remys & receu pour vray fiege.
By the power of three temporal kings, the holy seat shall be put in another place, where the substance of the body and spirit shall be restored and received as a true seat.
The three temporal kings seems to be indicating the Kalki Singh from East, Islamic forces from Middle East and third the Chinese. Only once, since the writing of Nostradamus Papal see was removed by Napoleon to Valence. Certainly the quatrain indicates that the pope would be forced to leave Vatican due to advent of World War-III by the above three temporal powers. The last two lines are predicted to several other quatrains of Nostradamus.
Century VI/ Quatrain 21
Quant ceux du polle artiq vnis enfemble,
En Orient grand effraieur & crainte:
Efleu nouueau, fouftenu le grand tremble,
Rodes, Bifance de fang Barbare taincte.
When those of the Artic Pole are united together, in the East will be great fear and dread. A new man elected supported by the great one who trembles. Both Rhodes and Byzantium will be stained with blood.
At present time half of the quatrain seems to be fulfilled. The two of the northern poles; U.S. and Russia are approaching a new rapprochement. During the World War, both these nations will conclude a military alliance against the far Eastern power China. The newly elected leader (Kalki Singh) would be supported by the Chinese, and Greece and Turkey will be dyed with the blood of barbarians.
Century I/ Quatrain 34
L’oyfeau de proye Volant a la feneftre
Auant conflict faict auxs Francoys pareure:
L’vn bon prendra l’vn ambigue finiftre,
La partie foyole tiendra par bon augure.
The bird of prey flying to the window, before battle shall appear to the French. One shall take good omen of it, other bad. The weaker party shall regard it as a good sign.
In my opinion, the “bird of prey” referred here indicates the bird “Falcon” (or Hawk) of the tenth master (Guru) of Sikhs, which shall appear in France, before the country is fully engaged in the War. As already written in the Part-II of the book that this particular bird of “Golden Colour” appeared in history of Sikh in number of times peculiarly when Sikhs were in trouble due to religious wars or so. Probably the French would fight against the Easterners; certainly the quatrain described the invasion by Sikh army on France. The ruling party would hold it as a bad omen and the others would see it as a good sign. It seems that this bird would be seen frequently in the coming millennium along with the Khalsa army.
Century III/ Quatrain 23
Si France paffes outré mer lyguftique,
Tu te verras en ifles & mers enclose:
Mahommet contraire, plus mer Hadriatique,
Cheuaux & d’Afnes tu rongeras les os.
France, if you go beyond Ligustic Sea, Thou shall find they self enclosed with islands and seas. Mahomet, against you, more so the Adriatic, you will gnaw the bones of horses and asses.
France will get into trouble, if it goes beyond Ligurian Sea (Yugoslavia). “Mahomet”, here indicated may be the Islamic Forces from Middle East.
Century III/ Quatrain 24
De l’entreprinfe grande confufion,
Perte de gens, threfor innumerable:
Tu n’y dois faire encore tenfion
France a mon dire fais que fois recordable.
From the undertaking great confusion, immense loss of people and treasure. You must never attempt there again. FRANCE TAKE NOTE OF MY PREDICTION.
Note of the tone in which Nostradamus warns France in this and previous quatrain. Certainly he foresees the destruction of France in the coming millennium, if it crosses the Ligustic Sea and marches toward Yugoslavia. France must take not of it.
Century III/ Quatrain 49
Regne Gaulois tu feras bien change,
N lieu eftrange eft tranflate l’empire:
En autres moeurs & loix feras range,
Roan, & Chartres te feront bein dup ire.
French kingdom, you shall be much changed, the empire expands to foreign places. Thou shall be put to other laws and customs. Rouen and Chartres will do worst to thee.
Nostradamus again forecasts the future of his own country. The last two lines seems to the new religious set up in France, as Nostradamus predicts in his many other quatrains too; that the World War-III would be a religious war.
Century I/ Quatrain 67
La grand famine que is fens approcher,
Souuent tourner, puis eftre vniuerfelle:
Si grande & longue qu’on viendra arracher,
Du bois racine, & l’enfant de mammelle.
The great famine do I see approaching near will often appear in different areas and than becoming universal (wide spread). So great and long it would last that, they shall pluck roots from trees and child from breast.
Prediction of the coming millennium during World War-III in which all the nations of the earth would be engaged one by one. The result, a great famine due to the war will become worldwide, t such a enormous scale, that people would feed themselves by plucking the roots of the trees and the children (infants) would grub the breast of their mothers in hope of more milk. A description of horrorful famine by Nostradamus.
Century IX/ Quatrain 99
Vent Aquilon fera partir le fiege,
Par murs geter cendres, chauls, & poufiere,
Par pluye après qui leur fera bien piege,
Dernier fecours encontre leus frontiere.
The north wind shall cause the siege to be raised, to throw the cinders over the walls, lime and dust. Afterwards through rain which shall cause much harm. The last help is met at the frontier.
During a siege in World War-III, a nuclear attach would drive back the enemy by Chinese troops, followed by the attack by chemical weaponry which will cause much harm.
Century IX/ Quatrain 92
Le Roy vouldra dans cite neufue entrer
Par ennemys expunger lon viendra
Captive libere faulx dire & perpetrer,
Roy dehors eftre, loin d’ennemys tiendra
The king will want to enter the new city with the foes they shall overcome it. A prisoner being freed shall falsely speak and act. The king to be outside he will stay far from the enemies.
No doubt again a World War-III quatrain, because so far no such incident took place. Nostradamus foresees New York being attacked. The President of U.S.A. with his staff hiding in a bunker to continue to direct the war.
Century IX/ Quatrain 83
Sol vingt de Taurus fi fort terre trembler,
Le grand theatre rempli ruinera,
L’air, ciel & terre obfcurcir & troubler,
Lors l’infidelle Dieu & fainctz voguera.
The sun being in twenty degrees of Taurus, there shall be a great earthquake. That is shall fill and ruin the theater. Darkness and trouble in air, sky and land that the unbelievers shall all upon god and his saints.
In this quatrain, Nostradamus gives the month May, of a year when the trouble would begin on the earth that even atheists would call upon the god and his saints.
Century IX/ Quatrain 41
Le grand Chyren foy faifir d’Auignon,
De Romme letres en mile plein d’amertume
Letre ambaffade partir de Chanignon,
Carpentras pris par duc noir rouge plume.
The Great Henry (Kalki Singh) will siege Avignon. Letters from Rome will come full of bitterness. Letters and embassies to leave from chanigon. Carpentras taken by the black Duke with a red feather.
The quatrain if linked with previous quatrains III/23, III/24 and III/49, probably Nostradamus foresees the siege of France by the Great Chyren (Kalki Singh) of East.
Century IX/ Quatrain 44
Migres migre de Genefue treftous,
Saturne d’or en fer fe changera,
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous,
Auant l’a ruent le ciel fignes fera,
Leave, heave Geneva everyone. Saturn of gold shall be changed into Iron. Those against RAYPOZ shall be exterminated. Before it happens, the sky will show sign.
Nostradamus predicts the destruction of Geneva, during the World War-III. may be the word “Saturn” here signifies the European continent which shall changed from Gold to Iron. I am sure that word “RAYPOZ” must be indicating the Messiah of East “Kalki Singh” if it is linked to other topic here. Before it happens, may be the nature shows some gestures to the mankind
Century IX/ Quatrain 55
L’horrible guerre qu’en l’occident s’aprefte
L’an enfuiuant viendra la peftilence,
Si fort horrible que ieune, vieulx, ne befte,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France.
A dreadful war is in preparation in the West, the year following shall come plague so strangely and horrible that the young, old, nor animal will survive. Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Prediction of horrible calamities of war in the West. In my opinion, China in the third World War would attach West with chemical weaponry, dreadful bacteria and germs, in such a large extent that in West no one would escape alive. Moreover Nostradamus predicts it elsewhere too.
Century VI/ Quatrain 5
Si grand famine par vnde peftifere,
Par pluye longue le long du polle arctique:
Samarobryn cent lieux de l’hemifphere,
Viuront fans loy exempt de pollitique.
A very great famine caused by a plague, through a long rain, shall come along Arctic Pole. Samarobin, a hundred leagues from hemisphere. They will live without law, exempt from politics.
The region of Arctic poles would be seeded by dreaded bacteria and germs (by Chinese?) through a satellite moving around the earth. The laws of the war (rules of Geneva Convention) would be disdained, causing horrorful destruction and diseases.
Century V/ Quatrain 81
L’oifeau royal fur la cite folaire,
Sept moys deuant fera nocturne augure:
Mur d’Orient cherra tonnerre efclaire,
Sept iours aux portes les ennemis a l’heure.
The royal bird on the city of sun will give a nightly warning for seven months. The wall in East shall fall, thunder and lightning shall shine. Then the enemy shall be at gate in seven days.
Accordingly to some more notes from literature of Sikh history, it is written that Russian forces would land in Punjab (India) in future during a war (Jab Roos Punjabe Aave , Ruppiea sear ann vikaave). If this quatrain is linked to previous quatrains, it is very much possible that Chinese are directly engaged in war with Russians in the beginning of the war (i.e. World War-III). The wall of China, which shall fall followed by the attack of Russians at the gates of Chinese. The “Royal Bird” again I think is the “Falcon” of the tenth master or Satguru of Sikhs.
Century V/ Quatrain 62
Sur les rouchers fang on les verra plouuoir,
Sol Orient, Saturne Occidental:
Pres d’Orgon guerre, a Rome grand mal voir,
Nefs parfondrees & prins le Tridental.
It shall rain blood on the rocks, sun in the East and Saturn in the West. War shall be near orgon and great evil at Rome. Ships sunken and trident be taken.
Sun in the East clearly predicts of the Great Messiah “Kalki Singh”. Saturn, the sign of bad omen shows the destruction of West (by Easterners). Rome (Italy) in great trouble, their naval forces demolished and razed.
Century V/ Quatrain 54
Du pont Euxine, & la grand Tartarie,
Vn roi fera qui viendra voir la Gaule
Tranfpercera Alane & l’Armenie,
Et dans Bifance lairra fanglante Gaule.
From beyond the Black sea and great Tertary, there will be a king, who would come to see France. He will pass though Alania and Armenia, leaving his bloody rod in Byzantium.
Nostradamus this quatrain resembles to a large extent. “Kalki Singh” after defeating Russians, would proceed to West. Here, Nostradamus predicts of the king who would appear in France from beyond Tartary (which is India) passing through Alania and Armenia (both in Russia), would leave his “bloody rod” (a mysterious word) in Constantinople.
Century II/ Quatrain 29
L’Oriental fortira de fon fiege,
Paffer les monts Apennins voir la Gaule:
Tranfpercera le ciel les eaux & neige,
Et vn chafcun frappera de fa gaule.
The oriental will come forth from his seat and cross the Apennines to France. He will cross through the sky, the seas and the snows and he will strike everyone with his rod.
This quatrain gives us the confirmation of the previous quatrain interpreted (V/54) certainly the man from the East (Kalki Singh) would enter France with his forces during a combat between the Easterners and Westerners. It also indicates that France would fight against the Chinese, Middle East and Easterner of course, ignoring the warnings of Nostradamus in his prophecies.
Century III/ Quatrain 43
Gens d’alentour de Tarn Loth, & Garonne,
Gardez les monts Apennines paffer:
Voftre tombeau pres de Rome & d’Anconne,
Le noir poil crefpe fera trophee dreffer
People from around the tarn, and Lot and Garonne beware of crossing the Apennine mountains. Your tomb is near Rome and Ancona. The black curly-hair man shall set up a trophy.
The dark curly-haired man is indeed “Kalki Singh” as it is indicated by Nostradamus in his other quatrains also, by name of Great CHIREN and HENRY. Warning to people of France again who live around Tarn and Lot and Garonne. If they crossed the Apennine Mountains they would be dead, due to some deception (trophy).
Century II/ Quatrain 60
La foy Punicque en Orient rompue,
Grand Iud & Rofne, Loyre & Tag changeront:
Quand du mullet la faim fera rupue,
Claffe efpargie, fang & corps nageront.
Faith between Africa and East is broken. Great Jordan, Rosne, Loire and Tagus will change. When the hunger of the mule is slaked, the fleet is scattered and bodies swim in blood.
The defeat of African nations by East is described here (See Part-I). The great Jordan, Middle East and Chinese will break up their links with Africa as the faith between East and Africa is lost.
Century III/ Quatrain 47
Le vieux monarque dechaffe de fon renge
Aux Orients fon fecours ira querre:
Pour peur des croix ploiera fon enfeigne,
En Mitylene ira par port & par perre.
The old monarch expelled out of his kingdom will go to seek help from the people of the East. For fear of crosses he shall fold up his colours. He will go into Mitylene by sea and land.
Although no name of the place of kingdom of expelled old king is given here, it is clear that during the World War-III, the expelled king will go to the assistance of Easterners, holding the banner for fear of crosses and would reach Mitylene by sea and land.
Century II/ Quatrain 92
Feu couleur d’or ciel en terre veu,
Frappe du haut nay, faict cas merueilleux:
Grand meurtre humain: prinfe du grad nepueu,
Morts d’efpectacles efchappe l’orgueilleux
From the sky fire, the colour of gold is seen on earth struck by the high born, a marvelous event. Great murder of humanity. Great loss of infants, some looking dead, the proud one shall escape.
There would be so much fire on the earth and sky caused by rockets, missiles, atomic and nuclear explosions during the coming war. It would look like as if the colour of the earth is turned into Golden. Nostradamus foretells the great slaughter of mankind and infants. The Saviour (?) shall become a great leader.
Century II/ Quatrain 75
La voix ouye de ;’infolit oyfeau,
Sur le canon du refpiral eftage:
Si hault viendra du froment le boiffeau,
Que l’homme d’homme fera Antropophage
The noise of unwanted bird having been heard, Upon the canon of the highest story, Bushels of wheat will rise so high. As a result the man shall be a man eater.
Nostradamus predicts the use of spacecraft, star-wars and universal famine and cannibalism due to infection.
Century II/ Quatrain 46
Apres grat troche humain plus grad s’apprefte,
Le grand moteur les fiecles renouuelle:
Pluye, fang, laict, famine, fer & pefte,
Au ciel veu feu, courant longue eftincelle
After a great misery for mankind an even greater one is near at hand, when the great cycle of centuries is renewed. It will rain, blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a running fire with long sparks.
In my opinion, Nostradamus predicts the World War-III after the great miserable World War-II, during the time of renewing of centuries. Most probably before year _ _ _ _ _as he predicts the time elsewhere too.
Century VIII/ Quatrain 77
L’antechrift trios bien toft annichilez,
Vingt & fept ans fang durera la guerre,
Les heretiques mortz, captifs, exilez,
Sang corps humain eau rogie grefler terre
The third Antichrist soon annihilates everything. His was shall last seven and twenty years. The unbelievers dead, prisoners, exiled with blood and red hail covering the earth.
Nostradamus clearly predicts here the third Antichrist (Jesus in form of Kalki Singh), Napolean and Hitler being the first two, causing the nuclear war, in which the earth would be dyed by the colour of blood and water becomes red (see other Topic too). In my opinion, his war would last for seven years and twenty weeks from the time of his appearance on the earth. The war appears to be worst in the history of mankind ever.
Century VI/ Quatrain 97
Cinq & quarante degrees ciel bruflera,
Feu approcher de la grand cite neufue,
Inftant grand flame efparfe fautera,
Quant on voudra des Normans faire preuue
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the new city. In an instant a great huge scattered flame leaps up shall bust out, when they want to have proof of the Normans.
It seems to be a nuclear attack of New-York city which lies in 40-45 degree causing a great devastation.
Century VI/ Quatrain 80
De Fez le regne paruiendra a ceux d’Europe.
Feu leur cite, & lame trenchera:
Le grand d’Afie terre & mer a grand troup,
Que bleux, pers, croix, a mort dechaffera
The kingdom of Fez will stretch out to those of Europe. Fine and sword will destroy their city. The great man of Asia, by land and sea with a great Army, so that blues, greens, cross to death he will drive.
Certainly the man of Asia predicted here is “Kalki Singh” who will reach the kingdom of Fez, by land and sea troops and would create a great trouble to Christians. The quatrain shows the religious revival by this great man from East .
Century I/ Quatrain 96
Celuy qu’aura la charge de deftruire
Temples, & fectes, changez par fantafie:
Plus aux rochiers qu’aux viuans viendra nuire,
Par langue ornee d’oreilles reffafie
A man will be in charge to destroy churches and sects by fantasy. Shall do more harms to rocks rather than living, By a smooth tongue filling up the ears.
No interpretation is needed, if one has read the Part-II thoroughly. The man may be (Kalki Singh) from East. A religious war (World War-III) cum religious revival.
Century II/ Quatrain 4
Depuis Monach iufque aupres de Sicile,
Toute la plage demourra defolee:
Il n’y aura fauxbourg, cite, ne ville,
Que par Barbares pille foit & vollee
From Monaco to Sicily, the coast will remain deserted. There shall be no suburbs, cities or towns which shall not be pillaged and robbed by Barbarians.
All the southern Europe continent from Monaco as far as Sicily would come under attach from the fleets of Middle East. All the cities and towns would be plundered and overrun by Barbarians “Barbarians”. In my vision, Nostradamus indicates to the Middle East forces (the Mohammedans) as barbarians.
Century IV/ Quatrain 34
Le grand mene captive d’eftrange terre,
D’or enchaine au Roy CHYREN offert:
Qui dans Auftone, Milan perdra la guerre,
Et tout fon oft mis a feu & a fer
The great man brought prisoner from foreign land, chained in gold, shall be presented to king CHYREN. He who in Ausonia and Milan will lose the war and all his army put to fire and sword.
I am fully assured that the Great CHYREN is messiah “Kalki Singh” of East as divulged in other quatrains. After winning all the continents he declares himself the Emperor (see other topics too). The king (or great man) who lost the war to CHYREN would be held captive and presented before him (CHYREN). This great man could be the king (President or Prime Minister) of Italy (after World War-III).
Century V/ Quatrain 41
Nay fouz les vmbres & iournee nocturne
Sera en regne & bonte fouueraine:
Fera renaiftre fon fang de l’antique vrne,
Renouuellant fiecle d’or pour l’aerain
Born in the shadows on a dark day, he will be sovereign in rule and goodness. He will cause his blood to revive again the ancient urn, renewing the golden age instead of brass.
The last line is a strong clue. Kalyuga would come to an end and Satyuga the Golden age or era would begin. If this quatrain is linked to other topics posted here, we will find the man predicted here is “Kalki Singh” the Messiah or Incarnation of god VISHNU.
Century IX/ Quatrain 51
Contre les rouges fectes fe banderont,
Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix fe minera,
Au point mourir ceux qui machineront,
Fors vn que monde fur tout ruynera.
Against the reds ones, sects will unite. Fire, water, iron, rope by peace it shall be destroyed, those who conspire are at the point of death, except one who above all shall ruin the world.
Against the Chinese, all the sects (nations) will unite themselves under the command of Kalki Singh. By all means, the China is destroyed. But those who makes the plot would get the same reward (from Chinese). Except one (Kalki Singh) who would destroy the world above all. If we pay good attention to Part-I and prophecies of Nostradamus in a sequence, we will come to the result that the main war will take place between Easterners and Europeans. Kalki Singh( the Eastern King) with the help of Chinese would destroy his all the enemies in Europe and other countries. But at last the difference arises between the two, due to which they are engaged in the war in which China is ruined. It may be interesting to note that even in “Dasam Granth” the defeat of China is written at the time when the World War-III comes to end i.e. alongwith the destruction of China by Kalki Singh.
Century C/ Quatrain 71
Le terre & l’air gelleroni fi grand eau,
Lors qu’on viendra pour ieudi venerer,
Ce qui fera iamais ne feut fi beau,
Des quatre pars le viendront honnorer
The earth and air shall freeze, with so much water, when they come to worship on Thursdays. He who will come will never be as fair as the few partners who will come to honour him.
The first two lines are full of facts about Sikh Religion. The founder of SIKHISM (the Sikh religion) “Guru Nanak Sahib” born (manifested) in the month of November. It is the time (November) of extreme low temperature that even water is charged to ice and air seems to freeze. The day was Thursday of November 1469 A.D. The man who is being honoured by few people except on (Mir Mehandi :- as per his name in previous birth) appears to be Kalki Singh after winning the whole earth. From all the four directions of the world would come to honour him.
Century VI/ Quatrain 70
Au chef du monde le grand Chyren fera,
Plus oultre après ayme, craint redoubte
Son bruit & loz les cieux furpaffera,
Et du feul titre victeur fort contente
The great CHYREN will be the chief of the world after “plus oultre”, loved, feared and dreaded. His fame and praise go beyond heavens and he will be greatly satisfied with the sole title of Victor.
Interestingly, each and every word of this quatrain completely resembles to other topic posted here. Henri the great king referred here is the “Kalki Singh” who would become the emperor of the world. The fame and praise of Messiah Kalki Singh of the East (as Nostradamus also calls him CHYREN, the anagram of older French spelling Henri) would go beyond the heavens. He would be much greater than king Charles-V (plus “oultre carol quint” the device of king Charles-V). He shall be contented with his victory.
Century VIII/ Quatrain 73
Soldat Barbare le grand Roy frappera,
Iniuftement non eflongne de mort,
L’auare mere du fait caufe fera
Coniurateur & regne en grand remort
The king is struck by a barbarian soldier unjustly, not far from death. The convetous mother shall be the cause of it. The conspirator and kingdom in great remorse.
Again in this quatrain Nostradamus fortells that Mir Mehandi (as a Sikh in this birth ) will strike the Messiah Kalki Singh (Incarnation of God Vishnu) unjustly, inspired by his mother. But Mir Mehandi and his kingdom would be in great remorse, as the result of dreadful and fierce battle . The striker Mir Mehandi would live for a short period.
Century X/ Quatrain 32
Le grand empire chacun an deuoir eftre
Vn fur les autres le viendra obtenir,
Mais peu de temps fera fon regne & after,
Deux ans aux naues fe pourra fouftenir
The great empire, everyone would want it. One above the rest shall obtain it. But his life and reign will last a short time. In two years he will be able to maintain himself in his shipping
The quatrain with same meaning like previous one (VIII/73). Mir Mehandi will declare himself as the emperor of the vast empire. Buth is reign and life would last only for two years.
Century X/ Quatrain 72
L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf fept mois
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy deffraieur
Refufciter le grand Roy d’Angolmois
Auant après Mars regner par bon heur
In the year 1999 and seven months(?), from the skies shall come the great king of terror, to raise again the great king of Jacquerie, before and after war reigns happily.
This is an interesting quatrain in which Nostradamus predicts of a powerful king coming from skies in 1999 (?). He also foresees the great war before and after his coming.
Accordingly to sources of Sikh literature, two great Sikhs will appear on the earth in this great war (the millennium). The first one (God) Vishnu and the other S. Daleep Singh, who comes after death of (God) Vishnu (from “Sau Sakhi” the famous book of Sikhs, in the chapter of Karninaama). He wons the great battle after which all the people on the earth lives in imperturbability and halcyon days for ever.
Century X/ Quatrain 74
Au reuolu du grand nombre feptiefme
Apparoiftra au temps ieux d’Hacatombe,
Non efloigne du grand eage milliefme,
Que les entres fortiront de leur tombe
The seventh year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of games of slaughter. Not far from the age of the great millennium when the dead would come out of the graves.
In year 1999 A.D. seven years after the beginning of the World War-III, martyar would appear on the earth to help the sikh troops. In Sikhism it is believed that there are 96,000,00,00 martyrs (Sheedi faujaan-the army of martyrs), who remains concealed under the command of Satguru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth master. They appear from time to time for the probity of the true and beloved saints of creator God. The true and veracious, pious saints of the great God (the Divine Spirit) who dies for the protection of their religion are termed as Martyrs. They are believed to be free from transmigration and metempsychosis, liberated from birth and death cycles. The same is also predicted by Bhai Gurdas in Part-II (canto 19 line 5).
Century VI/ Quatrain 24
Mars & le fceptre fe trouuera conioinct,
Deffoubz Cancer calamiteufe guerre:
Vn peu après fera nouueau Roy oingt,
Qui par long temps pacifiera la terre.
Mars and Jupitor will be in conjunction, under cancer will be a calamitous war. A short time afterwards a new king will be anointed who will bring peace to the earth for a long time.
This conjunction will appear on ???.
Before this there would be a dreadful war, which would start under the sign of Cancer. The great king would be declared as the new emperor who would bring peace on the earth for a long long time.
The God, the creator of all the universes has loosed his Satan from his infernal prison, to cause, to be born the great Messiah, the incarnation of the God Vishnu by the name Kalki Singh (under the command of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee) in Uttar Pradesh, a state of Indian Province, who shall make so great and abominable breach in churches and all the other sects of the world, that neither the red, nor whits, who are without eyes and without arms, shall not judge it, and their powers shall be taken away from them. The influence of this Eastern Messiah shall be enhanced to such an extent, that he with his fellow men will dominate the whole world and he himself will become its great leader.
He shall finish his enemy nation (India) with his weaponry {through the virtue of all visible and invisible faculties (III/2)} the only land of five rivers (Punjab) will survive in this war (VI/27). He will be wearing the Blue Turban (IX/73, Part-II), a Sikh, loved and feared by the world nations. His fame and praise would go beyond heavens and will be honored as a victor (VI/70 and Part-I). In this war there shall be such a persecution against all the sects than ever wars (Part-II) and in the meantime shall be so great plague (caused by Germs and Bacterial warfare) that there shall be total desolation to the clergy.
Nostradamus clearly and specifically predicted that , USA and Russians will ally against China, Middle East and Khalsa, in the most destructive and horrifying war was ever fought. It shall be conducted by germs-bacterial warfare, with nuclear and chemical weaponry. No part of earth would escape. He foresees a world-wide holocaust. He writes that it will occur in phases. Although he for tells that the major battles will take place on European soil, but no part of the world will escape from the deadly flame of the fire of this war.
He shall finish his enemy nation (India) with his weaponry {through the virtue of all visible and invisible faculties (III/2)} the only land of five rivers (Punjab) will survive in this war (VI/27). He will be wearing the Blue Turban (IX/73, Part-II), a Sikh, loved and feared by the world nations. His fame and praise would go beyond heavens and will be honored as a victor (VI/70 and Part-I). In this war there shall be such a persecution against all the sects than ever wars (Part-II) and in the meantime shall be so great plague (caused by Germs and Bacterial warfare) that there shall be total desolation to the clergy.
Nostradamus clearly and specifically predicted that , USA and Russians will ally against China, Middle East and Khalsa, in the most destructive and horrifying war was ever fought. It shall be conducted by germs-bacterial warfare, with nuclear and chemical weaponry. No part of earth would escape. He foresees a world-wide holocaust. He writes that it will occur in phases. Although he for tells that the major battles will take place on European soil, but no part of the world will escape from the deadly flame of the fire of this war.
Before the war he indicates the death of India by Kalki Singh, who with the help of Pakistan/Afgani troops (under Turkish banner, II/79) will destroy it. Meanwhile Russians fleets would land on Punjab and thus Chinese are directly involved in the combat with them. The great will of China will fall (V/81). It is the time when first nuclear attack coms from the Chinese to the North. An alliance is formed between three temporal kings’ one side (Chinese, Middle East and Khalsa) under the command of Kalki Singh on one side, who will declare Thursday its holiday (X/71); and USA and Russians with Europe on other side. The Geneva Convention is completely ignored by Easterners (VI/5) and the Artic skies are seeded with deadly bacteria carried by rain and wind. USA, Russians and northern Europe would be the worst sufferers by it.
The Eastern forces shall overcome Turkey, Greece, Iraq, Iran and Italy at the same time, with the coping forces from Middle East. Than the Eastern troops shall proceed towards Russians and wipe out all he resistance (V/54, Part-I).
France will be invaded by the regiments of Kalki Singh. France and Italy would be ruined by them. One by one all the western nations would be defeated by him.
Subsequently, all the southern continents of the earth shall be outwitted by him. At last, at the result of sharp differences between Chinese and Khalsa, Kalki Singh with his forces and those of Middle East, shall invade China, Tibet and Nepal and crush them (IX/51, Part-II) . Whole the world will be won by him. All the nations will be united and he will become the great emperor of great and vast kingdom (VI/70).
The Eastern forces shall overcome Turkey, Greece, Iraq, Iran and Italy at the same time, with the coping forces from Middle East. Than the Eastern troops shall proceed towards Russians and wipe out all he resistance (V/54, Part-I).
France will be invaded by the regiments of Kalki Singh. France and Italy would be ruined by them. One by one all the western nations would be defeated by him.
Subsequently, all the southern continents of the earth shall be outwitted by him. At last, at the result of sharp differences between Chinese and Khalsa, Kalki Singh with his forces and those of Middle East, shall invade China, Tibet and Nepal and crush them (IX/51, Part-II) . Whole the world will be won by him. All the nations will be united and he will become the great emperor of great and vast kingdom (VI/70).
After the death of Kalki Singh Kalyuga (Iron age)passes away, a new era of Satyuga, the golden era begins. The world lives in peace for a long, long, long time. The whole world transferred into Khalsa religion.
“Wordings of the greatest of all, the tenth master of Sikhs, “Satguru Sahib Sri Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj”
"Kalki Singh" does not make sense ... it is just so random
ReplyDeleteisn't kalki singh a hindu? how can it be a sikh? a reincarnation of vishnu?
It makes a perfect sense. What is a Vishnu ( a Hindu ?). Of course not. The great powers does not have a , or belongs to a particular religion, They are sent to re-establish the correct/right way on the earth and to end the wicked or demons.